加拿大將與歐盟簽訂自由貿易協定加拿大將與歐盟簽訂自由貿易協定,為加拿大經濟帶來正面效益,並成為1994年北美自由貿易區(NAFTA)生效後,影響加拿大最深遠的綜合經貿協定(CETA),目前已進入最後協商階段。10月17日在渥太華召開的第9回合協商中,雙方對房屋出租於明年初完成協議並開放加拿大企業在擁有27個會員國、50,000萬消費者的歐盟市場享有通關優惠達成共識。加拿大聯邦官員表示,該協定不是即刻排除貿易關稅就是逐步淘汰,不僅為消費者爭取降低商品及服務價格,也替加拿大人創造更多更好的工作機會。加拿大土地買賣與歐盟CETA每年將助益加拿大經濟117億美元、拓展出口市場創造8萬多個工作機會、雙邊年貿易成長20%或369億美元。歐盟係繼美國之後加拿大的第二大貿易夥伴。加拿大對歐盟的出口及進口總收益分別高達478億美元及537億美元。加拿大農林漁業、製造業及科技業太平洋房屋將因簽訂CETA受惠。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 19/2011,17 October 2011 TRADE DEAL WITH EU TO BE FINALIZEDThe government is in the final stages of signing a free-trade deal with the European Union (EU) thatsupporters say will be 酒店工作an economic boon to Canada. Both countries are nearing completion of theComprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the most significant pact signed by the federalgovernment since NAFTA took effect in 1994.The ninth round of 澎湖民宿negotiations on the deal is set to be held in Ottawa beginning October 17, with bothsides hoping to complete talks by early next year on an agreement that would give Canadian companiespreferential access to a EU market of 500 million 澎湖民宿consumers in 27 member states.Federal officials say the agreement will either immediately eliminate all trade tariffs or phase them outover time, ultimately lowering the prices of goods and services for consumers, while also creating 帛琉newand better jobs for Canadians.The government maintains that a Canada-EU free trade deal would boost the Canadian economy by C$12billion (US$11.7 billion) annually, create up to 80,000 new jobs by growing export markets, and 訂做禮服increasetwo-way trade 20%, or C$38 billion (US$36.9 billion) a year. The EU represents Canada’s secondlargesttrading partner, next to the US. Canadian exports to the EU totaled C$49.2 billion (US$47.8billion), with imports of C$55.3 信用卡代償billion (US$53.7 billion). Canada’s seafood, manufacturing, agriculture,forestry and technology sectors will all benefit from a pact.

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